What Can You Do To Keep Your Business Energy Bills Low?
The only way business owners can currently shield themselves from out-of-contract rates and any potential future price rises is to lock in existing rates as soon as possible.
If you want to help cut your business energy bills, it also helps to think about how and when you’re using gas and electricity. So, consider the following:
- Assess when you’re heating your premises
- Switch appliances off
- Pay attention to the weather
- Install a smart meter to save
- Be mindful of water costs
- Turn off lights when not in use or fit light sensors
- Encourage all staff to be energy-aware
- Draught-proof your building
- Go paperless as much as you can
- Request an energy audit
But you also need to be realistic. Even if you put in place all of the energy-saving measures possible and cut your usage right down, there’s still a minimum amount of energy you need to use to keep your business running, so you might still feel it on your balance sheet if your energy rates rise.